Have you replaced your child’s toothbrush lately? You don’t have to answer that. At Dr. B. Pediatric Dentistry in Campbell CA we recommend a new toothbrush every three months (that goes for kids and grownups, alike). Too many people wait too long to get a new toothbrush, which can be bad for dental health. It’s […]
FAQ: Children’s Dental Sealants
Dental sealants are one of the best ways to protect young teeth against cavities, and your child can get them at Dr. B. Pediatric Dentistry in Campbell CA. Having sealants put on your child’s teeth is quick and painless. Experts say they can prevent up to eighty percent of cavities after they are applied. Q. […]
Should You Pull a Loose Baby Tooth?
Losing baby teeth is a rite of passge for children: tangible evidence of getting older, plus a little profit if the tooth fairy pays a visit. At Dr. B. Pediatric Dentistry in Campbell CA, we have some thoughts on losing baby teeth. Sometimes things don’t go as expected. The loose tooth won’t come out, even […]
We Love Patient Referrals!
At Dr. B. Pediatric Dentistry in Campbell CA, many of our new patients come to us on the recommendation of the parent of a current patient. This is, of course, very flattering. It’s important to any dental practice to get new patients, but when they come to us because a current patient is so pleased […]
Infant And Toddler Dental Care
Though most parents know the basics of children’s dental care, Campbell dentists continue to see cavities in young children. Caring for your infant’s teeth should begin even before they erupt. To prevent bacteria growth, parents can wash their baby’s gums with a wet washcloth after feedings. Babies should never be put to bed with a […]
Does Your Child Have Frequent Sore Throats?
In decades past, doctors performed more tonsillectomies on youngsters. If you were a child with frequent sore throats, “getting your tonsils out” was a rite of passage. A tonsillectomy was once a common procedure to treat infection and inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis). Today, a tonsillectomy is usually performed for sleep-disordered breathing but may still […]